
Fat Diet and Hypertension

Obesity, which is believed to be linked with dietary fat, high, and typical Western, has been commonly associated with hypertension, especially in the African American population.

For the study, David M Pollock and colleagues at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA tested the effect of the high-fat diet in the tension of Dahl salt-sensitive rats.

The rats were monitored for their bad blood pressure (MAP) for a week before and during 4 weeks of eating a high fat diet (fat 36 per cent). The salt-resistant rats were used as controls.

In a high-fat diet for a period of 4 weeks, the salt-sensitive rats experienced a surge in the 125-MAP-line background mmHg to 150 mmHg while the controls did not experience any significant increase in MAP: 102 bottom line mmHg to 109 mmHg after against fat diet, high and 4 weeks.

The high-fat diet also did the salt-sensitive rats more susceptible to the effects of environmental stress in tension. TRACE in rats in the high-fat diet was 38.7 mmHg compared to 22.5 mmHg in those on a normal diet.

The results along with additional research support the hypothesis that “a high-fat diet contributes to hypertension and an exaggerated response of stress in rats genetically susceptible.” the authors wrote in their report.

At the same conference, a new Italian study led by Dr. Rosa Maria Bruno of the University of Pisa found that vitamin C can be delivered intravenously to lower the tension by as much as 7 percent.

Another new Italian study also presented at the exhibitions of the conference that about half of people with excessive weight to the stage 1 hypertension or high blood pressure can achieve its voltage normalized by losing just 5 to the weight of 12 per cent and standardize their BMI.

The study was conducted by Roberto Fogari and colleagues at Universita ‘di Pavia in Pavia, Italy.

The researchers meant to assess the role of weight loss in value of tension in people with excessive weight of stage 1 hypertension who had never received any medicine to treat his hypertensive condition.

The study involved 189 people from excessive weight (BMI 25 to 29.9 kg/m2) with stage 1 patients with hypertension (SBP tension = 140-159 mmHg or systolic and diastolic tension or DBP 90 – 99mmHg). The participants were given nutritional advice I 120 to 360 mg of Orlistat per day to achieve a 5 percent loss in weight in 6 months.

Those who successfully lost the weight concentrated in 5 percent of the treatment continued for another 6 months and the stress and weight was measured every month. At the bottom line, 6 and 12 months of treatment, ambulatory 24-hour tension was evaluated and blood samples were drawn to test leptin plasma renin and aldosterone assets.

The researchers found that 111 participants or 59 percent of the subjects of the study achieved a reduction of 5 percent in weight.

Has found that those who lost their targeted amount of weight experienced a significant drop in SBP and DBP (-6.9 and -4.2 percent respectively) and high weight loss resulted in the reduction in high tension.

Among those who managed the loss of 5 percent in weight, fifty three or 48 percent normalized their BMI and 28 of them or 53 percent normalized their tension.

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