
How to avoid flu on a plane

About 3 billion people travel by plane every year, so transmission of infectious diseases during flight has become a global health problem.

Recent studies have revealed that those who are most at risk in respiratory-borne diseases are those row close to a patient. There are many different diseases that can be transmitted during flight, such as cholera, influenza, measles, meningococcal infection, SARS and tuberculosis.

The transmission of the diseases in the cabin occurs in a few different ways. The most common of these are droplets that appear when the sick passenger coughs, sneezes or speaks. These droplets can infect other passengers through contact with their conjunctiva or the respiratory mucosa. If these droplets accumulate on the service desks, seat belts or toilet doors, the passengers touching here touch their eyes and mucous membranes, and pathogens can enter the body.

Sickness can be transmitted to passangers within one row of the dick person.

Seat preference

Research has shown that those sitting in the front seats have less risk of contagious disease than other passengers. Likewise, those sitting by the windows get less infectious diseases than those sitting in the aisles. Because, when sick people or flight attendants pass through here, they will easily infect those who sit in the aisles.


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